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While eking my way towards the Key Bridge during my 30-some mile commute from Harford County to Glen Burnie, I gaze ahead at the arching passage across the Patapsco River; a concrete and steel accomplishment of man. I glance south to see a coastline crowded with industry. I turn north to see the towering buildings of downtown Baltimore. What an amazing place the harbor must have been 500 years ago. At this very moment, as if on cue by some hidden movie director, a bald eagle crosses the sky above me in harsh contrast to its surroundings. The majestic raptor slowly flaps its wings with that iconic grace that has long stood as a symbol for freedom. I can’t help but pause and smile every time I see an eagle, even though nowadays it’s actually quite often, especially in Harford along the Route 40 corridor and the Susquehanna. I remember as a kid accepting that there was a good chance that my future children may never see a bald eagle in the wild. What an amazing success story. What a fantastic tale of hope and a testament for the Endangered Species Act. I believe that conservation truly works and that our modern world can include wildlife. If we find ways to protect our wildlife and their habitat, they will continue on as they always have and never cease to inspire us.