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Nicole AT1

It’s April 14th already! It’s been a week on the trail and I am loving it! Georgia is absolutely beautiful! The first of the bruises and blisters have come and gone. I am finally able to climb without questioning myself if I have asthma or if I’ve been sleep smoking or if my pack is trying to suffocate me.

Nicole AT5

Different parts of my shoulders, hips, legs, and feet have gone through periods of major pain as they are getting used to the weight of my pack. But I can already feel myself becoming stronger! I have hiked 78.4 miles so far and I am taking a zero day (rest day/no hiking) in Hiawassee at the Top of Georgia Hostel. Zero days may sound lazy, but they are necessary to let the body recuperate, do laundry, SHOWER, and resupply. And also to let everyone know that I am still alive and well!

Nicole AT4

My pack weighed in at 34 lbs (4 lbs over my goal max weight) at Amicalola Falls. I decided to start with the 8.8 mile approach trail to the AT, maybe because I enjoy torturing myself with 600+ steps the first day of hiking with a 34 lb pack- haha! – or maybe because the falls are incredible! Amicalola Falls is the tallest cascading waterfall in the southeast at 729 feet!

Nicole AT2

I planned to keep my first 7 days below 10 miles per day while my body adjusted and I got into the swing of things; but that only lasted 3 days. On my 4th day the 9 planned miles turned into 16 as I decided to climb Blood Mountain and get to Neels Gap before the day ended. It was not going to be an easy feat, especially in the rain. Blood Mountain is the highest peak in the Georgia section if the AT and it is no joke! It’s elevation is 4,458 feet! What a climb! As I finally neared the top, which I thought had happened about 15 times prior, the rain stopped and the sky opened up. All the pain subsided as I gazed out over the mountains. It was worth every step and gasp for air!

Nicole AT6

When I arrived at Neels Gap after a very long descent, my trail friend had a cold lemonade waiting for me! It was a refreshing surprise to say the least. I camped at Mountain Crossings Hostel that night where I was able to shower for the first time on the trail and even do a load of laundry. Showering never felt so good! The next morning a couple trail friends from Germany and I enjoyed a breakfast pizza and resupplied at the store before getting back on the trail.

Nicole AT7

The vistas have been incredible. The forests are amazing and coming to life with spring. I fell asleep to the hooting of a great horned owl this week, found a newt on the trail, hiked to the sound of wood thrushes singing, and Pileated woodpeckers calling (Just to mention a few of my favorites!).

Nicole AT3

The people I’ve met so far have been awesome. The comradery on the trail is really something. Everyone is of different ages, backgrounds, experience levels, from different states, different countries, and here because of a million different reasons, but we all have the same goal and we are all rooting for each other! I can’t believe I didn’t do this sooner!

Nicole AT9

Thousands of people have hiked the AT, but no two people have done it the same. Thank you for following my journey and for respecting the way I’ve chosen to hike my hike! All of the support has been overwhelming!

“If you do it now, you will never run out of time.”

Happy trails!

Spoiler alert: I’m almost through Georgia!

Nicole AT10