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Did you know that there is currently a bill to designate the first Maryland state amphibian? The Long-tailed Salamander has been proposed by a group of students from Garrett County Schools due to its connection to clean water, that it hasn’t been designated by any other state, and that its coloration aligns with our state flag colors and other icons. Just as the Diamondback Terrapin is our state reptile, the Baltimore Oriole is our state bird, and the Baltimore Checkerspot Butterfly is our state insect, the Long-tailed Salamander could be our newest state icon with your help! We love this species with its unique attributes as well as the important habitat they can help represent and advocate for greater protection, so we support this bill!

Long-tailed Salamander (Harford County, MD)

How can you help? Let your Senator and Delegates know that:
You support Senate Bill 142 and House Bill 282 to designate the Long-tailed Salamander as the official Maryland State Amphibian.

There is more information here on how you can voice your support and please spread the word!