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*Due to the current efforts to avoid large gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be trying something new and offering this event virtually. Please stay tuned for the live feed link on Facebook the night of the event*

For this special online event starting after dark Friday March 20th, viewers will help us virtually survey a special seasonal wetland area for emerging amphibians such as wood frogs, spring peepers, and spotted salamanders. During this time of the year the park canals fill with rainwater and become temporary, seasonal wetlands called vernal pools. It is in these types of pools that amphibians will migrate to and breed so that they may lay their eggs. This event offers participants an up close look at an ancient ritual that few ever get to see.

**Donations appreciated to help support our work!**

* Permission for after dusk access has been obtained from Susquehanna State Park.

*This event made possible by a grant from the Harford County Office of Economic Development