Today is not only the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day but our birthday! We were born on Earth Day back in 2011. It has been an amazing nine years with lots of successes, lessons learned, and exciting adventures while working to protect our local wildlife. We continue to grow organically while refining who we are and what we do. We are fueled by your generosity and the hard work of our wonderful volunteers and partners. In this short time we have been able to bring a new level of awareness about our local wildlife, rescue countless animals in need, and further research on rare, declining and misunderstood species. All of this while putting together engaging events and stories to showcase Harford County and the lower Susquehanna region to folks not only in our community, but from all over as an important wildlife area worth protecting and exploring in any way we can. Despite all of the recent setbacks in the world, we are still working hard to bring the Susquehannock Wildlife Center, an epicenter for local wildlife, to life but we need your help to finish this ambitious project and make our vision become a reality. We have only barely scratched the surface of all we can do. We encourage you to think about your impact on wildlife and the Earth today. Together we can truly make a difference! We thank you for your incredible support!
If you are able, please DONATE HERE!