We are proud to announce our participation in the upcoming City Nature Challenge in partnership with an exciting collaboration of local groups in the Baltimore area including here in Harford County! You can become a community scientist and contribute to this important biological diversity data collection effort!
“City Nature Challenge is an annual community science competition for cities across the globe to find and document the plants and wildlife found in urban areas. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 challenge is all about collaboration, not competition. It is an opportunity for participants to connect with other cities across the nation—and the globe—while exploring the nature found in and around their homes.The 2021 challenge will take place in two parts: from April 30 to May 3, 2021, community scientists will observe wildlife and take photos of all the plants and animals they can find. From April 30 to May 9, 2021, the species documented will be identified. On May 10, 2021, the results will be announced!”
The National Aquarium is hosting an upcoming training session here –
Friday 4/16 1-2:30pm iNaturalist Training: Learn How to Document Wildlife with iNaturalist
You can also learn how to use iNaturalist with our friends at the The Natural History Society of Maryland –
Wednesday 4/21 7-8pm iNaturalist Training