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Night of the Salamanders

Night of the Salamanders

 Click here to check out our latest video showing our nighttime salamander search! The temperature was 46 degrees and a steady rain had continued throughout the day, I knew what I had to do.  After a long day of work my body pleaded with my brain to relax but from...

On the Verge of Spring

We have nearly arrived at the tail-end of what has been a shockingly mild winter.  The signs of spring are slowly emerging, you just have to look for them.  Bird songs have begun to replace the still, winter silence.  Plant life on the forest floor has started to peak...
Far From Home – Maryland’s Unwanted Guests

Far From Home – Maryland’s Unwanted Guests

You may remember hearing about a wayward manatee that meandered its way to the mouth of the Susquehanna just a few years ago. While a manatee is always a pleasant surprise, we now have a new Florida species that has found its way to our shores. On February 1st, a...
The Wild Turkey – An American Tradition

The Wild Turkey – An American Tradition

As many of us sit down today for a delicious oven-baked meal, we rarely consider the history behind our feast.  The turkey most of us eat is a domesticated cousin of a wild counterpart that still lives right here in our backyard.  Before the majority of food turkeys...
Home on the Coastal Plain

Home on the Coastal Plain

Most of us who live in the northern counties of Maryland rarely envision sandy soil, pine trees, and flooded forests when we consider the wilderness of the Old Line State.  Growing up in rural Carroll County, my mind instantly recalls the rolling farm fields,...