by Susquehannock Wildlife Society | Nov 22, 2023 | Feature, News
We are very proud to be one of the recipients of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation ‘s (NFWF) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service ‘s Chesapeake Watershed Investments for Landscape Defense (WILD) grant. We were honored to be included in the public...
by Susquehannock Wildlife Society | Nov 14, 2023 | Feature, News
One thing that always fascinates us are the echoes of native species that have gone extinct. Telling stories about long gone species like the Mammoths and Mastodons that are theorized to have caused the adaptation of large fruits and seed pods of the Osage Orange and...
by Susquehannock Wildlife Society | Aug 18, 2023 | Events, Feature, News
Our first event with our friends at Stone View Farm was so much fun! Not only was this setting just down the road from our Wildlife Center absolutely beautiful, but the extra space allowed for us to more than double the number of attendees who could marvel at our...
by Susquehannock Wildlife Society | Aug 18, 2023 | Feature, News
For our contribution to the new Grow Wild program created by our friends at Harford Land Trust , we provided a tour of our native pollinator gardens, rain gardens, mini-meadows, habitat restorations and our large in bloom multi-acre meadow that we have worked hard to...
by Lucas Hanyok | Aug 18, 2023 | Events, Feature, News
This event has been an amazing success thanks to all of you and our partners, so for the 4th Annual PawPaw Celebration we’ll continue to make it even better than before! Like many of you, we look forward to the short season of the delicious native PawPaw fruit...
by Susquehannock Wildlife Society | Jan 4, 2023 | Feature, News
Over the past several weeks we have been getting reports of Cougar sightings from various people in our region and seen many of the social media posts. While we never say never, please understand that wildlife groups like ours and natural resource managers cannot just...