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The Maryland Darter: The Rarest Fish in the World!

The Maryland Darter: The Rarest Fish in the World!

  Illustration by Dr. John Neely   The rarest freshwater fish in the world is from right here in Maryland! In fact, Maryland is the only state in which it is known to occur and within the state it has only been found in Harford County.  The Maryland Darter...
Muskrat Escort Down Route 40

Muskrat Escort Down Route 40

During a heavy thunderstorm, a muskrat escaped the flood waters of Otter Point Creek and tried to escape to a safer wetland. Unfortunately Route 40 and a Jersey wall were blocking its safe passage. Thinking fast, we drove up along side it and blocked it from other...
Southern Flying Squirrel Release

Southern Flying Squirrel Release

In this wildlife rehab update we have the release of three female southern flying squirrels. These squirrels were brought to Chadwell Animal Hospital by a concerned citizen after having fallen from their nest. One of the babies had a broken femur and was feared to be...
April Showers, May Flowers, and Wild Babies

April Showers, May Flowers, and Wild Babies

When the earth awakens from her winter slumber, the birds and the bees begin buzzing, and a bounty of baby animals is soon to arrive – which means human encounters with wild babies are sure to increase. Here are some commonly occurring wild baby animal problems...