The red fox is likely the only wild canine many of us will ever encounter. Thanks to their ability to adapt to our cities and suburban areas they don’t just survive but flourish. Despite how common they may be, there is a still a few things about them that may surprise you, for instance, take a moment and listen to their unusual cry, it sounds more like a bird than something related to wolves and our pet dogs.

After a snowstorm it is not only rewarding to find wildlife tracks but to observe unique behavior like this encounter with a red fox that was hunting voles along a snow covered marsh. It was observed cocking its head to pinpoint the location of its prey by sound and then plunging its head into the snow to capture it. After a several tries it was rewarded with a hard earned meal. This is one of the many interesting behaviors that can be observed in foxes.
They also use dens like this uprooted tree in Harford County where we observed a group of kits playing but they will utilize old ground hog burrows and even debris piles in more urban areas. They are truly adaptable to with each successful litter their populations continue to grow and adapt to the changing landscape.